We promote civility, communication, and empathy in citizenship and government

We are focused on empowering moderate voters to take a stand imploring Congress to pass meaningful legislation.

Over half of Americans feel exhausted or angry with politics today

Data: Americans’ Top Descriptor of the Current State of Politics
Circle size represents the frequency of a word in response to open-ended questions

The polarization of politics has our country more divided than ever—but if we can get back to the basics, we will realize that we agree on more than we disagree. At A Common America, we’re working to strengthen moderate candidates who will fight for all of us who are "in the middle", so that we can come together and ensure the safety and well-being of our families’ futures.

In the pursuit of a shared vision, let us bridge the existing political divides and lay the foundation for a future firmly grounded in the strength of unity. As we navigate the intricate web of differing opinions, let empathy guide our interactions and understanding be the catalyst for change.

86% of American agree:

Republicans and Democrats are more focused on fighting each other than on solving problems.

In a political climate where it's become "Us Vs. Them", we know that many feel overlooked and stuck out in the cold listening to everyone else fight amongst themselves. We invite you in from the cold, to a future where we elect candidates with common-sense values, looking to solve REAL problems by working together with the bipartisan, moderate majority.

Volunteer with us

The American dream is a truly united one.

We share a common dream across party affiliation, gender, age, and ethnicity.

Forget your party your alliances.

Join the moderate voices of America.

Donate to
a common america

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